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[RotoGuru subtitle]

Welcome! This site is devoted to fantasy sports analysis, with a particular emphasis on strategy and support for games involving a "capital markets" aspect. Current emphasis is on Baseball, Football, and Basketball, with particular attention on fantasy games produced by, FanDuel, Draft$treet, and Daily Joust. In addition, RotoGuru produces several unique games and contests during the year, including GuruGolf, Football Pickoff, and Market Madness.

What you will find at this site:

Here you can find essays and tips on fantasy sports strategy, as well as up-to-date player data that is generally unavailable elsewhere to help you manage your fantasy sports teams. As an avid fantasy sports player myself, I've used these strategies very successfully to manage my own teams, and I'm sure they can improve your teams' performance as well. I've also included links to other sites which I find to be helpful in managing my teams. In particular, you will find many useful tools for daily baseball analysis at, a RotoGuru affiliated site.

What you will not find at this site:

In general, this site is devoted to the quantitative or technical aspects of fantasy sports strategy. It will not help you assess player talent. That is your job as a fantasy sports manager. Plus, there are plenty of sites available to help you evaluate players.

Why am I doing this? Mainly, because I love fantasy sports. I have substantial professional experience in math, actuarial science, and investment management, and I find that these disciplines offer much in the way of fantasy sports strategy. Longer term, I don't know what directions this web site may lead me in, but for now, I'm just having fun figuring out ways to improve my own fantasy sports performance. My primary mission is to share some of that fun with you. If you play the games that I cover, I want you to look forward to a daily dosage of RotoGuru stats, sagacity, and silliness. I want to be as important to your daily well-being as that first cup of coffee in the morning.

While I will use a number of means to attract fantasy sports players to my site, word of mouth references from current users will be one of the most important ways to spread the word. So please, if you like what you find here, pass the word to your fantasy sports friends. (While I realize that you might want to keep this site a secret from your competitors, you will collect your reward in heaven. Besides, when you beat them, you'll feel much better for having done it on a level playing field!)

If you have comments to make or questions to raise, please check out the RotoGuru Message Forum. I'm over there every day, but you can also take advantage of the wealth of experience and perspectives by the Gurupie community. And we're always looking for new insights and perspectives.

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Specifically, some applications within the RotoGuru site will attempt to store cookie files on your computer. These files are used to store the following items of information:

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    RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is not employed by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<>.

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